Friday, June 27, 2008

Traveling Scarf #2

I joined a second traveling scarf group. I'm sending my scarf out today. I used more of the pink Cascade 220 to start it and another pattern from Knitting on the net. This time I used the Chevron pattern. Godspeed little scarf.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Stephen said "Mom"

He was babbling and cooing happily on the bed and instead of just vowel sounds, he said mom! In fact, he did it twice. Sure, he may not have known what he said, it was an accident, whatever. I'll take what I can get. Besides, he got such a good reaction, he'll probably try to make that noise again :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Babies = Laundry

I knew when I had a baby I would have more laundry to do. What I didn't count on, was how much more laundry I would need to do. I guess I thought about a load a week. I can already hear other the mothers laughing. How can someone so small produce so much laundry? This is a mystery to me. His clothes are so small.

For future advice I would suggest (at least):
  • 3 crib sheets
  • 2 mattress pads (this will be important if you want to put your baby back to sleep quickly)
  • 3 changing table covers
  • 2 boppy covers (I do love my boppy)
  • Many blankets
  • Many clothes (for him to grow out of as quick as he can)
  • Lots of socks (which is also a mystery because he can't even walk)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Yarn Swap Package #1

I received my first yarn swap package and it was wonderful! I got a great pattern book with an adorable pattern for Stephen. I'll have to add it to my queue :). And you can never go wrong with jelly beans.

My package contents!

My swap partner sent me some heavenly yarn called "Heather" by Schaefer that's really soft. 

Heather Schaefer yarn

And finally, some beautiful sock yarn from Noro. All these yarns (and even the pattern) are in one of my favorite colors, brown :)

Noro sock yarn

I hope my swap partner likes the presents I sent as much as I like mine.

Traveling Scarf

I started my traveling scarf this weekend. It's a ravelry group where we mail the scarf pieces to the next person in our group and each person knits (or crochets) on the scarf and then passes it on to the next on the list. In the end about 12 other people should work on my scarf (and me on theirs) so the end-result should be very nice. 

Here's the start to my scarf. I used the Little Pyramids stitch from Knitting on the Net in Cascade 220 on size 8 needles. Let's see how it goes :)

Monday, June 9, 2008


How often should you bathe your baby? I'm at constant odds with this. He gets a bath between 1 and 2 times a week, but now that he's in daycare I'm paranoid they'll tell me my baby is dirty. You'd think I'd have better things to worry about.
But baths are usually pretty good now. He cried through his first few, but now he sits happily and smiles. I don't think he really likes them, but he doesn't hate them either. Baths should be morning activities though (or anytime you want your baby to stay awake). They don't put him to sleep (at least not yet).

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Baby Pattern Baldness

Stephen has started losing hair. It's sad, I held on for weeks that he was keeping his hair and his head was growing, but I've been defeated...he's losing it. Oh well, we'll see how it comes back.